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We onderscheiden volgende types cookies, naargelang hun doeleinden:

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    Deze cookies zijn nodig om de website te laten functioneren en kunnen niet worden uitgeschakeld in onze systemen. Ze worden meestal alleen ingesteld als reactie op acties die door u zijn gesteld, zoals het instellen van uw privacy voorkeuren, inloggen of het invullen van formulieren. Ze zijn noodzakelijk voor een goede communicatie en ze vergemakkelijken het navigeren (bijvoorbeeld naar een vorige pagina terugkeren, etc.).
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    Deze cookies zijn op zich niet noodzakelijk om de website te laten functioneren, maar ze helpen ons wel een verbeterde en gepersonaliseerde website aan te bieden.
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      Deze cookies stellen de website in staat om verbeterde functionaliteit en personalisatie te bieden. Ze kunnen worden ingesteld door ons of door externe providers wiens diensten we hebben toegevoegd aan onze pagina's.
    • » Analytische cookies:

      Met deze cookies kunnen we bezoeken en traffic bijhouden, zodat we de prestaties van onze website kunnen meten en verbeteren. Ze helpen ons te weten welke pagina's het meest en het minst populair zijn en hoe bezoekers zich door de website verplaatsen.
    • » Targeting / advertising cookies:

      Deze cookies kunnen door onze advertentiepartners via onze website worden ingesteld. Ze kunnen door die bedrijven worden gebruikt om een profiel van uw interesses samen te stellen en u relevante advertenties op andere sites te laten zien.

Wij gebruiken dus enerzijds onze eigen cookies en anderzijds cookies van zorgvuldig geselecteerde partners met wie we samenwerken.

Nog meer weten?

Kijk dan in onze uitgebreide Cookieverklaring en ons Privacybeleid .

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Zomervakantie - openingsuren 2024

These terms and conditions apply to the website By using this website you accept and will comply with these terms and conditions.

General information:
• This website is designed and managed by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA, with registered office at C-MINE 100 bus 2, 3600 Genk (Belgium), enterprise number: 0431.060.080. All rights on this website are owned and reserved by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA.
• The product information or any other information published via this website is given to the best of knowledge. This information shall not create any guarantee or representation of any kind or any liability of STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA and shall not relieve the user from undertaking its own investigations and tests. Any reliance the user places on the published information is therefore strictly at own risk.
• The website made available and the software made available on this website are provided to the user "as is" and without guarantees or representations of any kind (express or implied) or any liability to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law. STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA shall not be liable for any damages that have been caused by or in connection with the use of the website. In any case STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA shall not be responsible for and disclaims any liability for any indirect, incidental, consequential and special damages, that have been caused by or in connection with the use of this website.
• Without liability whatsoever STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA may without notice modify and/or discontinue operation of all or portions of this website at any time in its sole discretion, and assumes no responsibility to update this website.
• Links to third-party sites ("Hyperlinks") do not constitute an endorsement of such third-party websites by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA and STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA is not responsible for the availability of these sites or their contents. The hyper linking to these sites is at the user’s own risk.
• Except as otherwise specifically provided in writing, STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA General/Specific Conditions of Sale shall not be altered by the website, its content, materials and information.
Intellectual property:

• The texts, products, drawings, pictures, models, logo’s, movies, images, data, databases, computer programs, trading names, domain names, marks, designs and other elements of this website are protected by intellectual property rights that are owned by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA or third-parties.
• It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute or publically communicate any copyright protected material without prior consent given by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA.
• Temporary acts of reproduction which are transient or incidental and an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable (a) a transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary, or (b) a lawful use of a work or other subject-matter to be made, and which have no independent economic significance are nonetheless allowed.

Data protection:
• By visiting this website, general information is collected automatically which is not stored as personal related data. This general information is used solely for the purpose of improving the attractiveness, content and functionality of our website.
• Beyond this use, personal data is only collected when you provide STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA such data by filling out forms or sending emails, and in the course of ordering information, products or services, inquiries or requests for material. STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA will use such personal data only to provide you with the services or products you ordered, an offer or to improve the sale of (similar) products and services or to contact you again as a customer. Your personal data remains however with STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA and will not be made available to third parties in any form by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA or by persons instructed by STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA.
• STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA stores data for as long as it is necessary to perform the service that you have requested or for which you have granted permission, providing that no legal requirements exist to the contrary.
• STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA deploys technical and organizational measures to protect the information you have made available from being manipulated unintentionally, lost, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized persons. Where personal data is being collected and processed the information will be transferred in encrypted form in order to prevent misuse of the data by a third party.
• The user has the right to obtain from STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA:
o without constraint at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay or expense:
• confirmation as to whether or not data relating to him are being processed and information at least as to the purposes of the processing and the categories of data concerned,
• communication to him in an intelligible form of the data undergoing processing and of any available information as to their source,
• knowledge of the logic involved in any automatic processing of data concerning him at least in the case of the automated decisions.
o as appropriate the rectification, erasure or blocking of data, in particular because of the incomplete or inaccurate nature of the data;
• The user has the right to object, on request and free of charge, to the processing of personal data relating to him which STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA anticipates being processed for the purposes of direct marketing.
• The user has the right, on request and free charge, not to be subject to a decision which produces legal effects concerning him or significantly affects him and which is based solely on automated processing of data intented to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to him.
• On this website, first party cookies as well as third party cookies are used. We advise you to review your browser settings if you object to our use of first party cookies. However in such a STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA cannot guarantee the proper functioning of our website. For the use of third party cookies your explicit prior consent was asked.
• If you have any questions concerning this data protection policy, please refer to the data protection representative at STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA, who will be pleased to help you. The continuous development of the Internet makes it necessary for us to adjust our data protection rules from time to time. We reserve the right to implement appropriate changes at any time.
• For all your questions please contact us at:
o STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS BVBA (data protection representative)
C-Mine 100, bus 2 – 3600 GENK
3600 Genk (Belgium)
T: +32 (0)89 382 362 |
Any claims or suits associated with the website or its use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium, excluding its conflicts of law principles. The courts of Tongeren (Belgium) are the competent courts for any dispute associated with the website.

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